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Thrasher AD, Golin CE, Earp JAL, Tien H, Porter C, Howie L. Motivational interviewing to support antiretroviral therapy adherence: The role of quality counseling. Patient Education and Counseling [Internet]. 2006 ;62:64-71. Available from:
Grenard JL, Ames SL, Pentz MA, Sussman S. Motivational interviewing with adolescents and young adults for drug-related problems. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health [Internet]. 2006 ;18:53-67. Available from:
Feldstein SW, Ginsburg JID. Motivational interviewing with dually diagnosed adolescents in juvenile justice settings. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention [Internet]. 2006 ;6:218-233. Available from: 10.1093/brief-treatment/mhl003
Madson MB. Psychometric evaluation of a supervisor feedback measure with motivational interviewing: Reliability and validity of the motivational interviewing supervision and training scale (MISTS). 2006 .
Martino S, Carroll KM, Nich C, Rounsaville BJ. A randomized controlled pilot study of motivational interviewing for patients with psychotic and drug use disorders. Addiction [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];101:1479-1492. Available from:
Irwin TW. Strategies for the treatment of methamphetamine use disorders among gay and bisexual men. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2006 ;10:131-141. Available from:
Carey KB, Leontieva L, Dimmock J, Maisto SA, Batki SL. Adapting motivational interventions for comorbid schizophrenia and alcohol use disorders. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice [Internet]. 2007 ;14:39-57. Available from:
August JL, Flynn A. Applying stage-wise treatment to a mixed stage co-occurring disorders group. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2];10:53-63. Available from:
Boyle C. The challenge of interviewing adolescents: Which psychotherapeutic approaches are useful in educational psychology?. Educational and Child Psychology [Internet]. 2007 ;24:36-45. Available from:
Forsberg L, Källmén H, Hermansson U, Berman AH, Helgason ÁR. Coding counsellor behaviour in motivational interviewing sessions: Inter-rater reliability for the Swedish motivational interviewing treatment integrity code (MITI). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [Internet]. 2007 ;36:162-169. Available from:
Hayes BB. Comparing the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy with and without motivational interviewing at reducing the social anxiety, alcohol consumption, and negative consequences of socially anxious college students. 2007 [cited *2].
Almomani F. The effects of an oral health promotion program in people with serious mental illness. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1]. Available from:
Brown TG, Dongier M, Latimer E, Legault L, Seraganian P, Kokin M, Ross D. Group-delivered brief intervention versus standard care for mixed alcohol/other drug problems: A preliminary study. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly [Internet]. 2007 [cited *2];24:23-40. Available from:
Osborn LD. A meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials of the efficacy of motivational interviewing in a dual-diagnosis population. [Internet]. 2007 [cited ]. Available from:
Hettema JE. A meta-analysis of motivational interviewing across behavioral domains. 2007 [cited ].
Bennett JA, Lyons KS, Winters-Stone K, Nail LM, Scherer J. Motivational interviewing to increase physical activity in long-term cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial. Nursing Research [Internet]. 2007 [cited *13];56:18-27. Available from:
Mitcheson L, McCambridge J, Byrne S. Pilot cluster-randomised trial of adjunctive motivational interviewing to reduce crack cocaine use in clients on methadone maintenance. European Addiction Research [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];13:6-10. Available from:
Ball SA, Martino S, Nich C, Frankforter TL, Horn DV, Crits-Christoph P, Woody GE, Obert JL, Farentinos C, Carroll KM. Site matters: Multisite randomized trial of motivational enhancement therapy in community drug abuse clinics. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];75:556-567. Available from:
Bennett GA, Moore J, Vaughan T, Rouse L, Gibbins JA, Thomas P, James K, Gower P. Strengthening motivational interviewing skills following initial training: A randomised trial of workplace-based reflective practice. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 ;32:2963-2975. Available from:
Carels RA, Darby L, Cacciapaglia HM, Konrad K, Coit C, Harper J, Kaplar ME, Young K, Baylen CA, Versland A. Using motivational interviewing as a supplement to obesity treatment: A stepped-care approach. Health Psychology [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];26:369-374. Available from:
Baer JS, Beadnell B, Garrett SB, Hartzler B, Wells EA, Peterson PL. Adolescent change language within a brief motivational intervention and substance use outcomes. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2008 ;22:570-575. Available from: 10.1037/a0013022
Anshel MH, Kang M. Effectiveness of motivational interviewing on changes in fitness, blood lipids, and exercise adherence of police officers: An outcome-based action study. Journal of Correctional Health Care [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1];14:48-62. Available from:
Levensky ER, Kersh BC, Cavasos LL, Brooks AJ. Motivational interviewing. In: O'Donohue WT, Fisher JE Cognitive behavior therapy: Applying empirically supported techniques in your practice. 2ndnd ed. Cognitive behavior therapy: Applying empirically supported techniques in your practice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley; 2008. pp. 357-366. Available from:
Hodgins D, Diskin KM. Motivational interviewing in the treatment of problem and pathological gambling. In: Arkowitz H, Westra HA, Miller WR, Rollnick S Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. Motivational interviewing in the treatment of psychological problems. New York, NY: Guilford Press; 2008. pp. 225-248. Available from:
Griffith LJ. The psychiatrist's guide to motivational interviewing. Psychiatry [Internet]. 2008 ;5:42-47. Available from:


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