Facilitator-led Online Coding MITI 4.2.1

Do you supervise individuals who are learning Motivational Interviewing?  Are you interested in using a coding tool to measure the fidelity of one’s work to Motivational Interviewing?  This workshop will teach participants to code MI sessions using the MITI Coding System (MITI stands for “Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity”).  In addition to coding skills, participants in this training will also learn about an MI-consistent way in which to provide feedback to individuals learning Motivational Interviewing. 

Important: This workshop will NOT teach Motivational Interviewing skills. Participants will learn to EVALUATE Motivational Interviewing skills. Dr. Watson recommends that participants complete Introduction to MI, Intermediate MI, and Advanced MI prior to registering for MITI Coding.

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30 Apr 2021 - 10:00am
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